As you prepare for the exciting LeishVet ALIVE 2 2024 conference in Nice, France, from April 18-20, 2024, consider extending your stay to explore the less-traveled paths of this stunning Riviera city.

Nice is not just about picturesque beaches and the famous Promenade des Anglais; it’s a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. This blog post invites you, whether you’re a veterinarian passionate about combating leishmaniosis or a researcher dedicated to studying this complex disease, to enrich your conference experience with some off-the-beaten-path adventures in Nice.

The Old Town Charm: A Step Back in Time

Old Town Nice

Venture into the heart of Vieux Nice (Old Nice) to experience the soul of the city. Stroll along its narrow, winding streets lined with vibrant buildings, and immerse yourself in the bustling local life at Cours Saleya market. Here, amidst the fragrance of fresh flowers and Provençal spices, you’ll feel a connection to the traditional Niçoise culture, a perfect contrast to the cutting-edge research and discussions you’ll engage in at the ALIVE 2024 conference.

Colline du Château: Breathtaking Views and Historical Ruins

A hidden oasis lies atop the Castle Hill (Colline du Château). Though the castle itself no longer stands, the park offers panoramic views of the Baie des Anges, Old Town, and Port. It’s a serene spot for contemplation and rejuvenation, especially after a day filled with engaging conference sessions. The waterfall and remnants of ancient ruins add a touch of historical mystery to your visit.

The Cultural Retreat: Museums Off the Mainstream

Nice is home to several lesser-known museums that are jewels in their own right. The Musée Matisse houses a significant collection of Henri Matisse’s works, offering insight into the artist’s evolution. Similarly, the Musée Marc Chagall, dedicated to the works of Marc Chagall, captivates with its vibrant colors and profound themes – and if you are lucky enough to have registered early (at the time of writing the places are going fast!) you will be able to sample the delights of this museum during the gala dinner. These cultural escapades provide a quiet retreat for those moments when you need a break from the scientific discussions.

Authentic Niçoise Cuisine: A Gastronomic Journey

Delight your palate with authentic Niçoise cuisine at local bistros tucked away in the city’s nooks and crannies. The culinary experiences in Nice are as diverse as the topics covered at the ALIVE 2024 conference. From the famous Salade Niçoise to the hearty Daube Niçoise, each dish tells a story of the region’s rich history and culinary heritage.

Le fleurs du Nice

Discover the Cap-Ferrat Peninsula

A short trip from Nice, the Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat peninsula offers tranquil beaches and stunning villas, including the famous Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild. This hidden gem, with its exquisite gardens and impressive architecture, is a testament to the elegance and beauty of the French Riviera, much like the innovative spirit and dedication evident in the ALIVE 2024 community.

LeishVet ALIVE 2024: Where Science Meets Beauty

As you plan your visit to Nice for the LeishVet ALIVE 2024 conference, remember that this event is more than just an academic gathering. It’s an opportunity to connect with fellow professionals passionate about Leishmaniasis research and treatment, in a city that embodies beauty, history, and culture. Whether attending in person or virtually, you’ll be part of a community that values both scientific excellence and the enriching experiences that travel brings.

Nice, with its hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path adventures, offers the perfect backdrop for the LeishVet ALIVE 2024 conference. As you delve into the complexities of Leishmaniasis, allow yourself to be inspired by the city’s rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. Register for the conference today, and prepare for an experience that combines professional growth with personal exploration in one of France’s most beautiful cities. See you in Nice!

Explore more about the conference and register now at LeishVet ALIVE 2024.

Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to learn, network, and collaborate with the best in the field of animal leishmaniosis. Mark your calendars and see you in Nice!